Ormskirk Priory RAM No 1019
8th December 2016
The December meeting of Ormskirk Priory RAM No 1019 saw yet another new member join.  The meeting held on 8th December at Ormskirk Masonic Hall was well attended with WBro Kevin Collins the PGM’s special Rep for the area in attendance. 
Worshipful Commander Gordon Kay; Candidate Gary Derbyshire
It was especially good to see the Worshipful Commander Bro Gordon Kay back in his rightful place after his recent illness.
Kevin Collins; Mark Cooper (JD); WC; Candidate; Ivan Hicks (SD)
Once the lodge had been opened and the domestic business completed the Worshipful Commander and his team elevated Bro Garry Derbyshire to a Royal Ark Mason. The Senior Deacon Bro Ivan Hicks guided the candidate around the lodge and presented him to the acting Junior Warden WBro David Rawcliffe and Senior Warden Bro James Roberts for the explanations.  WBro David Rawcliffe later did the explanation of the signs with WBro John Mawdsley doing the explanation of the working tools. All present were treated to a good and at times humours elevation ceremony; with the candidate enjoying all whole occasion.
The festive table
Congratulations for such an enjoyable evening must go to the lodge scribe WBro Fred Hargreaves who not only decorated the dining tables but also organized the carol sheets and led the singing.
Members and guests Carol singing
In keeping with lodge tradition, the members and visitors were treated Mulled Wine after lodge had been closed.  The Christmas Festive Board was well received by all those present. Another tradition of Ormskirk Priory RAM Lodge is the signing of Christmas Carols during the evening.
WC hiding behind the Ark
While the Carol singing might not be have been of the highest musically quality, the enthusiasm and festive spirit was clear.
Definitely not Impressed with the singing
A great night was had by all and Bro Derbyshire was well and truly welcomed into the Lodge.
The Worshipful Commander and all the members of Ormskirk Priory RAM Lodge No 1019 send everyone their best wishes for Christmas and New Year.
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell